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Copernicus – eoSC AnaLytics Engine

Enabling Copernicus Big Data Analytics through EOSC



C-SCALE serves European researchers, institutions and initiatives by making Copernicus data, tools, resources and services easier to discover, access and share.

The project will be integrated with the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) so that C-SCALE solutions can be seamlessly integrated in all the other EOSC-supported research and innovation processes and practices.


The C-SCALE project will enhance EOSC Portal with pan-European federated data and computing infrastructure services for Copernicus.

This open federation will integrate cross-/inter- disciplinary EOSC services, ensuring interoperability between distributed data catalogues, computational tools and infrastructure. In doing so, the federation will increase the service offer of the EOSC Portal providing state-of-the-art research enabling services to its users. It will also provide an open, well-documented framework for integrating new service providers and application developers.

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C-SCALE will make the unique data resources and body of knowledge of the Copernicus community accessible in a more user-friendly way to new audiences and user communities through the EOSC portal. It will deliver a modular, open, and robust federation for data discovery, processing and exploitation of Copernicus and, in general, EO Data.

C-SCALE will demonstrate that a shared, open, general purpose Copernicus access platform is feasible by combining/federating the best-of-breed tools, competences and services from DIAS, the national Collaborative Ground Segments and EOSC. By collaboratively building on the competences of pan-European e-Infrastructures and existing project initiatives, C-SCALE will federate European digital capabilities and lay the foundation for a 5 European open source Big (Copernicus) Data Analytics platform.

C-SCALE will publish the following services in the EOSC Portal:


Access to a large C-SCALE EO data archive.


C-SCALE compute services integrated with the EO Data archive.

Analytic tools

Set of analytics platforms and tools that can be deployed on top of the C-SCALE EO data archive and compute services.



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