Impact Report

The C-SCALE project idea emerged from the evident need of the European research communities for an integrated compute and storage infrastructure for processing and analysing Copernicus data. Throughout the course of 30months, and despite the unprecedented challenges brought forth by the COVID-19 pandemic, the project’s consortium has successfully fulfilled its objectives, revolutionising the processing and analysis of Copernicus data. C-SCALE created a Big Copernicus Data Analytics platform through federating European data and compute providers and enabled and supported numerous researchers across Europe to access and leverage Copernicus data.

With this publication, we aim to provide readers with a compelling glimpse into the key achievements and impacts of the C-SCALE project, from enhancing data accessibility and scalability to empowering cutting-edge research. The remarkable advancements made by the consortium have opened doors to new insights, accelerated scientific progress,and paved the way for a future where data-driven research can thrive.

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